Monday, May 9, 2011

November 22

November 22,
I have a one year old!!! Yep today was Solomon's birthday. He spent the whole first year of his life (plus a couple of days) in Ethiopia. We spent our usual time cuddling in bed..he normally woke up around 6:30 :)

 Then it was time to cuddle with the grandmas

 Solomon really needed a hair cut and I knew that once we got home in America that we were going to be staying at home a lot and the last thing I would want to do is find somewhere to get his hair cut. So we made a reservation at Boston Day Spa. It was close enough that we could walk from our guesthouse. Solomon did great as long as he had his bottle.

 Handsome birthday boy with his new haircut!! He looked like such a big boy.
 We decided to go upstairs and eat some lunch at Lime Tree. It was our first time eating out in public in the city of Addis with him.

John got a haircut too. 
 In Lime Tree there is a small bookstore with some English books and we saw these books written by Dr Chapman (my husband works with him at our church...pretty neat to see them all the way in Ethiopia). Then it was playtime back at the guesthouse with some balloons.

 Playtime before the party started!!
Watching Elmo for the first time.
Birthday boy was not to happy waiting for everyone to arrive for his party.

 Solomon (our driver) brought this cake for is from Bilos... they have amazing desserts.
 The guesthouse even did a coffee ceremony for him...very sweet. 
 Amy, Joanna and John

 Solomon and Jonathan
 Even Matt was able to celebrate with us :)

 Check out those "candles"

 Some of the guesthouse staff..
 Mom, Venita and John
Enjoying some birthday cake

 John enjoying the party
 Sharing some cake
 Checking out his presents. 

So thankful for this boy and glad we got to celebrate his first birthday with him. 

1 comment:

  1. Sorry we missed out on the party! Looks like you guys had fun!
